The 4 Best Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp As You Age

 In Memory Sharpening

The human brain is a wonderful and complex organ. It controls our thought, memory, mood, motor skills, breathing, body temperature, and appetite. However, as we age, our brain function declines, which can manifest itself in several ways, for example, memory loss.

The good news is that there are ways to maintain optimal brain health even as you grow older. Getting regular exercise, eating a nutritious diet, getting proper sleep at night, and playing mind improvement games that train your brain are great ways to keep your brain healthy.

Here are the best ways to keep your memory sharp as you age.

1. Look after your heart health

The best way to look after your brain is to also look after your cardiovascular health. Your lifestyle should be such that it does not worsen your cardiovascular health. High cholesterol, which is caused by smoking, doesn’t just increase the risk of heart disease but also affects brain function.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise can help you stay trim, but it’s also great for maintaining optimal brain health. Research shows a strong link between physical exercise and improved brain health. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which optimizes brain function. Even a 30 minute walk or run every day can do wonders for your brain health.

3. Play mind training games

Brain training games such as Scrabble, Sudoku, chess, and jigsaw puzzles force you to exercise your brain. Doing mental ‘workouts’ is just as important as working out for better physical health. Playing number games and memory games for a few minutes every day is a great way to keep your memory sharp.

4. Limit screen time

One major drawback of the modern lifestyle is the amount of time we spend on our phones and computers. Too much screen time can affect sleep and also impair brain development.

For optimal brain health, limit your screen time outside of work to less than two hours a day.

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Keep your brain sharp with the best brain games for advanced brain training

Do you want to keep your brain sharp? Try the brain games for children which are available online. At My Brain Games, we regularly post about the best brain games to train your brain. From information about the best brain training websites to board games that make you smarter, we’re a one-stop platform for everything you need to achieve optimal brain health. Sign up on our website today.

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