Fun Activities That Boost Brain Health

 In Adult, Advanced Brain Training, Brain Games

When people think about health, most of us will imagine someone working out at a gym. While physical fitness is definitely an important part of being healthy, your brain’s health is just as important. Remember, your brain is a muscle, and needs to stay active to be healthy!

Here are some fun activities for brain health that can help build new connections in the brain and improve your cognitive function and memory.


Yep, dancing is good for the brain! Some studies show that dance can help by reducing stress, and increase the level of feel-good hormones in your brain. Because there’s a lot of coordination required, and the ability to stay on-rhythm it also helps you develop new neural connections, which helps your brain stay healthy. It also improves your executive function, long-term memory and spatial recognition.


Any kind of exercise is good for the brain, because it increases blood flow. When more blood reaches your brain, the cells can perform better and thus, better health! Exercise may not be very ‘fun’ for you when you first think about it – especially if you’re lying in bed and feeling cozy – but once you get into it, you do end up feeling good. This is because of the release of serotonin and dopamine, which are happy hormones. As a result, you feel less stressed too.


Try Something New

If you’re already good at something, your brain isn’t really actively engaged in the process when you do it. For example, if you enjoy sketching, a fair part of the process is muscle memory – your hands know what to do, because they’re used to it! This means that your brain isn’t developing any new neural connections, which are needed to help your brain grow.

Pick up a new hobby and try your best to work at it. It will be tricky at first, and you may even experience failure, but it will help your brain become healthier!

woman playing chess

Listen to Music

Did you know music can help with brain function? It helps with lowering stress levels, which has the extra benefit of improving memory since stress hormones tend to inhibit memory function. Music also makes us feel better, which helps you with regaining and improving focus.

Keep Learning

Learning things isn’t limited to academia and school. You’ll learn throughout your life, but actively seeking out learning can be a great way to improve brain function. It doesn’t have to be anything very complex or formal – even simply watching a brain games tv show season 1 on something you didn’t know can help you learn, and this can create new connections in your brain. In fact, learning also helps with preventing early onset dementia.

Improved brain function in general will help with cognition, memory and attention, which helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases! If nothing else, it simply keeps you healthy, and you should be aiming for it anyway.

My Brain Games provides all sorts of excellent Brain Challenge Puzzles for kids, adults and seniors alike to improve a number of brain processes – from thinking and memory to concentration and attention! Visit the website to find out more.

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